Wednesday, September 6, 2023

#IWSG @TheIWSG #WritersSupportGroup #Writerslife

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Happy Anniversary ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
🎊 12 Years Strong 🎊

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world! Our Twitter is @TheIWSG and hashtag #IWSG

September 6 question - The IWSG celebrates 12 years today! When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?

I scrolled all the way back to April 1, 2013 to find my first IWSG post. I entered the A to Z challenge to begin my journey with this Fantastic group.
I'm a social introvert, and it took me a while to join in. I have never regretted it. Over the years I've connected with many gifted authors. I have dozens and dozens of blogger friends that I look forward to reading about their journey each month.
When I started blogging, I used to post often. But life is hectic, now I post once a month for the IWSG. This support group encourages me like no other. 


  1. I'm an introvert, too. Love this group.

  2. So glad you found support in the group. The IWSG has been special to so many. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I also only post for IWSG right now. It's great to have this community to keep us blogging.

  4. I'm also in the once-a-month club for blogging but always look forward to catching up with my IWSG friends!

  5. The blog I started isn't here anymore, so I can't look back to figure out when exactly I joined. I'm fairly certain it's linked to the A to Z challenge about a year after IWSG formed.

  6. There are a lot of social introverts here, so that's probably why it's such a successful group. We can give support through the privacy of our computers. Glad you joined and we became connected. It has been lovely to exchange ideas with you.

  7. The IWSG keeps a lot of writers posting. And I'm just as much an introvert.

  8. I think life being hectic is common among all of us. I only manage to blog for IWSG too!

  9. Once a month is usually all I can manage, too.

  10. Hi, Cathrina! This introvert loves this group too! I'm still hanging in with three or more blog posts a month, but it's challenging. I appreciate the great friends I've made in the IWSG and all the help and support I've received. Happy 12th!

  11. I love how blogging can create a safer place for introverts to make friends.
    The IWSG is celebrating 12 years today, which is so amazing for a blogging community of writers. A dozen years of support! 🎉
    "The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library." – Albert Einstein quote
    September is library card sign-up month! Get one, use one, and be grateful such places exist.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge

  12. The once a month is sometimes a struggle, but it's so exciting to see everyone and drop a 'hi' each time.

  13. I'm also an introvert.
    The IWSG has such a wonderful sense of community, which is hard to find in online groups.

  14. I used to post a lot more often, too. I think I was doing three per week in the beginning, but now it's one per month. Also, fellow introvert.

  15. Forgot about a to z, but yeah, I found it a little before that and away I went too. Used to blog every day, but life takes priority indeed. And as we know we are both at the other place anyway haha

  16. The IWSG has been a great lure back to blogging and I am very thankful for that.

  17. When I first start blogging I used to post two to three times a week. Then every other week. Now I post once a month every IWSG day. I'm an introvert so can't believe how committed I've been to blogging. Honestly, don't think I would've kept it up this long if it wasn't for the IWSG.

  18. I too am an introvert and find most communities so draining. But this one is fantastic!
