Wednesday, December 7, 2022

#IWSG @TheIWSG #WritersSupportGroup #writingcommunity

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter is @TheIWSG and hashtag #IWSGAlex's awesome co-hosts are Joylene Nowell Butler, Chemist Ken, Natalie Aguirre, Nancy Gideon, and Cathrina Constantine

December 7 question - It's holiday time! Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals? 

During the Holidays, I rarely find time to write a word. My WIP has been simmering on the back burner for months. My muse has dried up a bit, and I'm hoping the New Year will bring inspiration.  

How are you coping with the Holidays?


  1. Thanks for co-hosting with me this month, Cathrina! That's a writing accomplisment in itself! Wishing you a 2023 filled with inspiration and the time to put it down on the pages!!

  2. I understand how you feel. It took me two exact years to finish my WIP because my muse had dried up too. It came back but not until I relaxed and let it. Hopefully, that won't happen to you. Thanks for co-hosting, Cathrina.

  3. Maybe a little Christmas joy will inspire you!
    Merry Christmas and thanks for co-hosting.

  4. After several (more than 2 maybe like 5 or 6) years of being uninspired to write anything, the inspiration is trickling back, and my muse peeking out from the hole where she's been hibernating, taking some tentative looks around. Your muse will return, too. Muses can be like that, fickle. Try not to be concerned. Leave out the cookies and milk every night, like you do for Santa on Christmas, and at some point she wouldn't be able to resist.

    Thanks for cohosting!

  5. I'm making it my personal mission to do as much writing as I can do over December.

    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!

  6. My Christmas wish for you is the return of that muse about January 2. Enjoy your holiday season, Cathrina. Thanks for co-hosting today.

  7. I know what you mean about the muse getting lazy. I'm afraid if I ever quit writing for any length of time, the inspiration will--as you say--dry up. Have a wonderful holiday!

  8. I think the holidays are the best time of the year to take a writerly vacation. Once I have that set in my calendar, it seems like it helps me write more up to the day of it. I plan on taking at least a week off of any writing other than my journal.
    Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

  9. Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG question, Cathrina. I love your photos in this post.

    I'm having a bit of a problem creating middle grade short stories for some collections I'm putting together. I know what needs to happen inside the protagonist, but I'm having troubles setting the external problems and what should happen. Have a beautiful Christmas!

  10. Thanks for co-hosting and sorry that your muse has faltered... she needs eggnog (preferably spiked), gifts (preferably many) and good cheer with family and friends.

  11. I'm hopeful once my new Website is finished, I can balance my time between writing, managing our online La Cruz Writers' Group, and filing medical insurance claims. Seems reasonable, right? Thanks for co-hosting and wishing you a glorious holiday season and healthy new year!

  12. I share your hope for the new year. Maybe I will finally climb out of my writing (non-writing) rut.

  13. Like all good gates to heavenly writer's bliss, muses get rusty sometimes. The best way I know to get those juices of inspiration flowing again is to color outside the lines (write in a different genre) just for a time. I liked to never finish an essay on watershed toxins once my muse got wind of it and began incessantly tapping my shoulder to write another children's story ;-) Your muse will return, have no doubt - when you both are ready. In the meantime, enjoy! Thanks for co-hosting.

  14. It's OK to have breaks from writing during major events. We can only stretch so far.

  15. I hope the new year brings us all a bit of inspiration and motivation!

  16. I hope after your break, the new year brings creative joy!

  17. Thanks for co-hosting this month!

    My muse has dried up a bit too. But funnily enough it undried while using a random wheel last month in NaNoWriMo. Thinking of continuing using the random wheel approach.

  18. That's an adorable dog in a Santa hat.🎅🏽
    I hope your muse puts some special inspiration in your stocking.
    Hope your IWSG day is inspiring.
    “The only limit to your success is your own imagination” – Shondra Rhimes
    I wish you a merry holiday ⛄ season, and a New Year full of peace, joy, and creativity.

  19. I guess it's the trouble with Thanksgiving - Christmas. You have these weeks between the two where it's nothing but festive stuff. Here in the UK I'm just about getting around to Christmas cards... the tinsel box came out last week as I had a fair to go to with my books. The box is now sitting on my bed, when I'm not in it (the bed not the box). And as for lights and decorations - maybe after the next fair on the 17th...
    Thanks for co-hosting today - good job :)

  20. It truly can be a struggle, between promotions and family obligations. Wishing you lots of inspiration in the new year!

    Heidi Angell

  21. It's definitely extra challenging to write during the holidays, but I always set aside at least a little "me time" each day. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  22. I'm trying to focus on the positives this year, including having the family over for a holiday celebration for the first time since COVID hit. I had burned myself out on hosting every single Thanksgiving and Christmas for my large family with little help, and the pandemic hit and it was the least stressed I'd been in ages (aside from the whole, you know, fear of the pandemic thing). So I had trouble returning to that stress, but I missed the time with my family, so this year had a mid-holiday get together, and it was so much better!

  23. I hope you feel more inspired in the new year. Enjoy your holidays and thanks for co-hosting with me.

  24. I usually write less and relax more during the holiday season as well. It's time to enjoy family and all the warm fuzzies. Here's to a very productive new year for all of us! Merry Christmas. :)
