Friday, March 6, 2015


Thanks to Lexa Cain for this blog hop and her wonderful co-hosts L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Katie @ TheCyborgMom

This week I was thrilled and honored to meet a fellow author for the first time. We had to cancel our meeting on Sunday due to the weather, and time was running out because she had to return home to Oregon. But luckily we were able to get together on Tuesday. 
Mary Pax and I had a nice chat. It was wonderful!

I'm also celebrating a little bit of a warm up in Buffalo!! 


  1. That's awesome you got to meet Mary. Hope you lifted her spirits a little.

  2. Glad you were able to connect with Mary Pax. Sounds like you had a lovely visit. Can you send some of that warmer weather my way? It was 11 below zero F. at my house this morning.

  3. You two are so cute! So awesome you got to meet the real M. Pax! Yay for the approaching spring in Buffalo. And thanks so much for mentioning you finished Soul Cutter and loved it. That makes my day!!!

  4. I'm curious to know what a Buffallo "warm up" is? I think we hit 45 a couple of weeks'd think it was 80 degrees out with the way my kids were acting! :)

  5. Yay for meeting author friends! Anyone coming down to NZ needs to let me know so we can meet up…. It's still sort of summer here, so can I tempt anyone?

  6. Yay! So fantastic that you two got to meet. :) One year, the Untethered Realms group will all have to organize a meet-up. That would be awesome! Have a lovely weekend.

  7. I know that was so thrilling! Glad you're back safely.

  8. How awesome for you both! I second Christine's suggestion - the UR group must have a meet-up some day.

  9. How exciting.. I love meeting fellow online writers:)

  10. So happy you met, Cathrina! I'm sure it was fun for both of you and a nice thing to celebrate.

  11. Lovely meeting someone you 'know' but don't know!

  12. What a great picture of you two! You both look wonderful and I'm so glad you got to meet up.
