Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Writer's Limbo

I've been floating in writer's limbo. Has anyone else ever had that feeling? I'm down to the last couple of chapters or less in my wip sequel to Wickedly They Come, and I hit a snag. I can't seem to finish it. 

Decisions, decisions. 

Do I want to go on and make it a trilogy, or do I want to end it right here, right now? That's what is bumping around in my head.

In the meantime, I've been procrastinating with social media. First, I check Facebook, then Twitter, and then my mail to see if I have any good news which of late has disappointed me. It's become like a revolving wheel. Facebook, Twitter, Mail, and Blogs. And it's making my head spin.

Today, I finally left the computer for a while to shop. I bought a plethora of perennials to add into my flower beds. Even though it's over 80 degrees, digging in the gardens helped relieve lots of tension.

Now that I'm hot and sweaty, I'm still stressed. Oh well. 

Hope everyone in cyberspace is praying for Mother Nature to Calm down. My prayers are with Oklahoma, Texas, California, and all people afflicted by Mother Nature!


  1. I feel that endings are the most difficult to do. I know your pain. You will just have to power through.

  2. I have that trouble sometimes too--you're definitely not alone!

    Can you envision the story continuing? If so, then I'd say you have a trilogy. If you have to force it, then not so much.

    1. Lara, thanks for dropping by. I'm still thinking whether I have a full book in there somewhere.

  3. I think that's the hardest part about social media. It's so much fun, but it takes up a lot of your time. I'm sure you'll come up with the best decision for the sequel.

  4. I find endings hard to write. I'm usually desperate to finish but also don't want to rush it. And then I don't want a disappointing ending after putting so much effort in so far. Very stressful!

    1. I've been working around the house, trying not to rush it like you said. I think I was pushing it too hard with little results.

  5. I'm rather in writer limbo too at the moment. I have so much I need to do, but I keep procrastinating. Hopefully we'll both be able to push past it soon. :)
