
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

#IWSG @TheIWSG #writingcommunity #WritersSupportGroup

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.

May 1 question - How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you?

I get distracted by everything. I can only write when nobody is home. I can't listen to music either. I need complete quiet with my dog laying next to me on the couch. LOL. 🐶 My backyard gives out to woody fields, and I get distracted by every animal that meanders by. Deer. Turkeys. Foxes. Squirrels. Even birds that land on the bird feeder. With that said, I don't deal well with distractions. 

If I get into a good writing zone, then I get lost in the story. When I come out of the zone, I feel like I was in another world. 

How about you? How do you deal with distractions?


  1. I retreat to my office and jam some tunes, which tends to knock out distractions and keep me focused.

  2. Thanks for co-hosting this month. I can't listen to music when I write either.

    1. Different strokes for different folks, right?

  3. Happy IWSG Day! Thanks for co-hosting this month. I have a friend who gets distracted easily and thinks I'm crazy for listening to music when I sometimes write, but it works for me. She writes between 10pm and 12am. That's passed my bedtime, but it works for her.

  4. I know lots of writers that love to create while listening to music. I wish I could, but I get caught up in the songs.

  5. I'm the same. Even music, which I enjoy, annoys me when I'm writing.

  6. Thanks for co-hosting, Cathrina! Our co-hosts contribute a valuable service to our members. I find it easiest to write at my kitchen counter with music and/or the tv on in the background. I can't handle quiet, probably because I grew up in little houses in a big family. Also I taught second and third grade for 25 years. Happy writing in May!

  7. Sometimes I just go with the flow and take a moment to smell the fresh air. Those times don't generally last long. If I'm on a deadline I set my timer. I try to lay my head down every night satisfied that I've lived my best life. Thanks for co-hosting, Cathrina.

  8. I’m with you! When my husband retired, my writing took a huge hit. And unfortunately it never recovered. Do yourself a favor and learn to write in noisy places. ❤️
    Jessica Ferguson -

  9. I'm pretty flexible - write with music, silence, at work, during walks, house chores, the creative process continues. The only negative impact is being on a schedule and time limit. Big time neutralizer. I welcome distractions as they push me to move my body, look up to see the sun is shining, and breathe. I'm grateful for my sheltie, Sammy, as he shows me there's an awesome world out there. Balance is the key. Blessings

  10. I know what you mean about being lost in a different world. It's a good feeling, don't you think?

  11. Hi, I can understand needing quietness when you write. I am that way too. I don't have anything on, just total silence, and when I stop writing, I feel like I have been in another world. All the best and thank you for co-hosting. Shalom shalom

  12. Gotta love that writing zone!

  13. Thanks for co-hosting today! I love that you have such a wealth of animals out your back yard. But yes, I'd be trying to go feed and adopt them, and getting no writing done. I love a headset with pink noise and a solitary room where there are no distractions. Good luck with your writing.

  14. I mostly need silence! Depending on the day, I can sit in nature but too often I get distracted looking at the beautiful earth! Ha!

  15. My gratitudes to you for co-hosting. I really do feel like I was in another world and but mostly happens when writing poems. I love this zoning out because it does good for whatever I was writing. Have a nice day:)

  16. I get distracted by to-do lists. Something is always getting added that needs my attention. Thanks for co-hosting today!

  17. I'm either completely distracted or rock solid in my concentration. It really varies. But I have a few things that work for me most of the time. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  18. Sounds like you have an abundance of inspiration! What if the animals are secretly auditioning for parts in your story? Thanks for co-hosting!

  19. I can't listen to music either when I write. I need absolute quiet to concentrate.

  20. I was working out on my deck today (writing my newsletter). Definitely tons of distractions. Hummingbirds and doves, today. And then my phone kept ringing. But it was such a beautiful day!

  21. Oh my gosh, Cathrina. I write better when nobody's home, too. I can't listen to music and need complete quiet. And for me, it's the bluebirds who are moving into our birdhouse that distract me recently. Thanks for co-hosting!

  22. I feel you. The woods are beautiful, but hard to ignore. Especially wildlife.

  23. I back up on woods, too. Thankfully my desk is at the front of the house. When the wild turkey's gobble though, I usually get up and take a look.

  24. Thank you for co-hosting the IWSG this month. I think it's quite alright to be distracted by deer and turkeys at the end of your garden :)

  25. Small distractions tend not to bother me too much. It's the bigger ones that like to shake up life that I struggle to deal with.

  26. Music is a no-no for me...but deer! They're worth a distraction.
