
Friday, August 11, 2017


Celebrate the Small Things

If you're looking for a sweet Blog Hop that doesn't have to take a lot of your time, and can post about any little tidbit, then join in #CTST! Go to Lexa Cain's and sign up. Lexa's wonderful co-hosts are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

My small celebration is hitting the 30k mark on my WIP. I'd been really hoping to have the first draft completed by September, but it's a long shot since I write like a sluggish snail.

A few weeks ago I asked for prayers. And I'm asking again. Within the next 2 weeks my mother will be undergoing radiation and chemo treatment for the second time in her life. She's older and frail and praying she doesn't suffer. Thank you.


  1. Will definitely pray for your mother.
    This snail writer challenges you to a race!

  2. We'll all pray for your mom, Cathrina. She'll have a circle of protection.

  3. Best wishes for your mother! It must be such a worry. XX

  4. Positive vibes for your mother. Chemo is rough and I hope she'll get through it okay.

  5. Oh my gosh--so sorry you guys are going through this again. Lots of prayers for you guys for strength and healing.

  6. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. You know I can understand what you are going through. I will never forget your kindness when my own mom was going through chemo and I will be praying and hoping for the best for your mom as well. Sending many hugs your way my friend.

  7. So sorry about this second battle. Of course, you have all my positive thoughts for you and your mom.
