Wednesday, September 7, 2016

#IWSG Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join Alex J. Cavanaugh and a multitude of writer's in this monthly hop to help support one another!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Alex's co-host for this month are: C. Lee McKenzie,Rachel Pattison, Elizabeth Seckman, Stephanie Faris, Lori L MacLaughlin, and Elsie Amata! 

Question: How did I find time to write in your busy day?

When I couldn't sleep, I 'd get my best writing accomplished around 2-3 in the morning. After raising 5 rambunctious kids I like solitude when I write.
Recently, I was on summer vacation from babysitting my grand babies, I set a goal to achieve at least 1K a day, excluding weekends. I'm a slow writer and 1k takes me hours. Some days I went over my goal, other days I didn't reach it. When I read about people writing that much in an hour I'm amazed. 

Now that school has begun it will be harder to put words to paper with two lovable rug rats under my roof. And my husband doesn't like to compete with the computer in the evenings. 

Since I'm a total pantser, it might take me an hour to get into the right frame of mind to climb into my story. I can only see so far...and then the lights go off...

How do you find time to write in your busy day?


  1. I need solitude to write, too. And I'm not a night person, so long about 10:00, my brain's fried. Now that the kids are back in school, I can block off some time to get a little writing done. That's the plan, anyway. Congrats for getting so much done over your summer vacation!
    IWSG Co-host at

  2. I definitely need peace and quiet to write. But I have a trick about getting into the zone to start writing -- I always revise the previous chapter before I start a new one. That gets me back into the story again. Just thinking "I have to write Ch 17 today" and then staring at a blank screen makes me feel lost.

  3. I need quiet to write as well, and I'm a pantser. I've tried plotting in several different ways with no success. I love that quote! Enjoy those grandbabies. :)

  4. Writing at night is definitely the best. Of course, I'm totally wasted by bed time, so the morning it is for me. Usually right at sunrise. But then, I write whenever I can--in the car (speech to text), at appointments, while waiting in the car, when the kids go to play with friends...

  5. I don't know how anyone can write that many words in an hour. I write at your pace and I'm a plotter. (Sad, huh?) Hope you find your time to write.

  6. I love the graphic and Doctorow's quote. Perfect.

  7. That's me--I'm a pantser!!! Only I have to do an outline and three chapters to get my editor to sign off on a that forces me to be more of a planner. It does help with the overall picture, but I've never been one who can sit down and plan every detail of every chapter, THEN write.

    1. Geez, I don't know it I could even do that...maybe I could...

  8. Wow!That's early!
    I write my best rough drafts when I'm pansting. I kind of killed a WIP this summer by trying to outline it to smithereens. I can only work with the high point type outlines: first meeting(s), inciting incident, turning point, battle scene, and resolution image. Anything more detailed than that kills my writing.
    And, I love the graphic with Doctorow's quote!
    Happy writing and life in September!

  9. I prefer solitude when writing, although I don't always get it. I'm such a plotter, though, and I even do that with driving someplace I'm unfamiliar with. Google Maps is my friend, and I don't like driving at night. LOL!

  10. I think you're doing great, Cathrina. Keep up the good work.

  11. Fellow pantser here. I'm with you. I write super slow. I also write two books at a time. One is non-fiction and the other fictional to help alleviate the seriousness of the non-fictional book, so it takes forever for me to finish anything. We'll get them done though. It took me two years for my first one, but it was totally worth it! :)

    Good luck!

    co-host IWSG

  12. I like quiet as well. I'm always amazed that so many people are able to write in coffee shops or while listening to music, etc. I can't seem to focus unless it's quiet. Although lately it could be quiet enough to hear a pin drop and I still wouldn't be able to focus!

  13. I am in awe of people who manage to write while raising children/ grandchildren. I have dogs and I can barely manage them most days:) You are amazing. All hail Cathrina!
