Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A to Z: Letter H

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help takes place during the Civil Rights Era in America. A girl who wishes to become a journalist comes up with a brilliant idea of writing about a black maids perspective living in Jackson, Mississippi. The exposure of racism and cruelty abound during this time.

The Book is a good read and the movie is fantastic!

Movie Trivia: In The Help who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress?

Yesterday's Trivia Answer: The Grapes of Wrath was adapted into a movie in the year 1940.


  1. The name is just not coming to me...

  2. I have not read the book but I should. I did watch the movie and I enjoyed it. But I have no clue who one.

  3. Haven't read the book, though this was a reminder to add it to my Reading List (I did). I loved the movie. And I can picture the winner, but cannot think of her name. I used to be really great with names... and now... just terrible.

  4. I haven't read this one, but my mom said it was good.

    I have no idea about the answer. I barely watch the news these days... too busy with my head stuck in my laptop. LOL

  5. I think Julie's correct--Octavia Spencer. I liked both the book and the movie!

  6. Was it Viola Davis? I think it was. And I loved this book :)

    1. Viola Davis was Nominated but didn't receive the coveted Oscar.

  7. I haven't actually seen the movie or read the book. I'm sure I'd love both, but oh the time!

  8. Stopping by on the 9th day of the #atozchallenge. This is one time when I loved the movie and liked the book. Unusual for me. My mother in law was a Jackson, MI girl so I was interested in the setting. The iconic line from the book…you is smart, you is pretty…will long be remembered. Author deserving of her success. If you have time or interest, I'm writing about gardening and related topics this month. Visit me.

  9. I have heard amazing things about this book. My daughter watched the movie and was all about it. It's on my TBR list!

  10. Oooh I know this one even though I didn't read the book or watched the movie yet (I know!) Octavia Spencer ;)

  11. I haven't read the book, but I loved the movie.

  12. Haven't read or seen this, but The Help always seems to get a lot of praise!

  13. The movie came to Ghana, but I never saw it. I have heard great things about it.
