
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

@TheIWSG #IWSG #writingcommunity #writerssupportgroup


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter is @TheIWSG and hashtag #IWSG

I have never participated in National Novel Writing Month because I am a turtle writer. And everyday life gobbles up most of my time. 


  1. DLP gobbles up most of my time although I will be finishing a story this month.

  2. Hi Constantine, life gobbles up a lot of my time too, especially all my freelance writing. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. We should form a Turtle Writers' Club!

  4. Life gets so demanding, NaNoWriMo has been a no-go for me these past few years. So hard to juggle family, holidays, and everything, and try to achieve a daily word count of half my monthly average, every single day for 30 days. Nope. Not this time.

  5. Turtle writer, that's a good term. I can write pretty fast, it's the editing that takes me a lifetime...even though I prefer it!

  6. While many writers find the daily goals of nano to help push them to get more done, I think that it's worth keeping in mind that there's a lot about nano that isn't about the writing goal. Part of Nano is just about connecting to the community of writers out there. A lot of people set their own goals for the month, and focus on participating in community things like getting together with other writers at a restaurant or library and just writing en masse.

    Of course, that isn't to say that one HAS to participate, I just wanted to put out there that there's something that the month has to offer even if you don't want to participate in the daily race for words. Anyhow, whatever you do, good luck to you in your writing journey!

  7. I'm a simple gal too. Give me a sunset over an amusement park any day.
