
Friday, January 12, 2018


Celebrate the Small Things

If you're looking for a sweet Blog Hop that doesn't have to take a lot of your time, and can post about any little tidbit, then join in #CTST! Go to Lexa Cain's and sign up. 
Lexa's wonderful co-hosts are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

I adore Christmas decorations, nonetheless, it's nice to have the clutter packed away for another year. I'm enjoying the sparseness of my living room as I sit here writing.

I rang in the New Year with an upper respiratory infection but braved the Holidays without complaint and with a smile because I love having my family together. I'm feeling better on that front, but weird vertigo has slipped in. 

I'm halfway through editing my new project, and wondering if it will be somewhat polished to join in the IWSG Twitter Pitch Party on Jan. 18th. *fingers crossed*

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the next IWSG Twitter Pitch Party – Thursday, January 18!  
With hundreds of agents and publishers, this one will be ten times bigger than our first event. 

Are you planning on joining in? Have a great week!


  1. Oh, yikes, sorry to hear about the upper respiratory infection. So cruel of the universe to have that happen during the holidays. Glad you're feeling better now, and best of luck with your new project!

  2. Polish fast! You can have it ready.
    Sorry you felt funky for New Year's.
    And yes, it's nice to have the stuff packed away for another year. The best days of Christmas decorations are the first and the last.

  3. I love having my decorations up, but I must admit my house looks a lot less cluttered now they're gone! I had the flu just before Christmas, and I've still got a cough clinging on. Glad you're feeling better.

  4. Ugh, I had that upper respiratory infection too, all through Christmas. I missed Christmas.

    Good luck with the Twitter Pitch!

  5. I'm always eager to clean the house (a rare desire I promise) after Christmas.

    I look forward to seeing you at the Pitch Party.

  6. I like putting up Christmas decorations and taking them down - they are a great way to mark the season.
    Hope you feel better!

  7. Sorry to hear that you had to rough it through New Years, but yay to making it! Good luck in getting that editing done :)
