
Friday, September 15, 2017


Celebrate the Small Things

If you're looking for a sweet Blog Hop that doesn't have to take a lot of your time, and can post about any little tidbit, then join in #CTST! Go to Lexa Cain's and sign up. 
Lexa's wonderful co-hosts are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

This week I'm celebrating hitting the 50k mark on my WIP. I haven't been reaching my goals as I had intended, but if you're a writer, then you know that life has a way of cutting into our writing time. 

I'd like to thank everyone for their good wishes for my mother. She has 3 more radiation treatments and then she's done.

This Sunday we've having a friends get together to watch the Buffalo Bills football game. I will be snacking on pizza and wings, I might even watch some of the game while enjoying good conversation and laughter with friends.


  1. Glad your mother is almost done with treatments.
    Great job on the word count. Life does get in the way, doesn't it?

  2. 50K is a milestone worth celebrating. And yes, I know how life gets in the way. Don't sweat it.

  3. Good to hear that those treatments are drawing to a close. And yay to the 50k! That's a huge milestone.

  4. Congratulations on 50,000 words. None of my books have been longer than that, if that tells you anything! Glad your mom only has three more treatments. Lots of healing thoughts her way.

  5. 50K?! Wow, congrats! Thinking positive thoughts for your mom for those final radiation treatments...
