
Friday, July 14, 2017


Celebrate the Small Things

If you're looking for a sweet Blog Hop that doesn't have to take a lot of your time, and can post about any little tidbit, then join in #CTST! Go to Lexa Cain's and sign up. Lexa's wonderful co-hosts are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

As I'm writing this post, I'm sitting by the large picture window in my living room, the bucketing downpour is saturating the glass. We needed the rain, but after 3 days of rain, I believe we've had our fair share...

This Saturday we'll be at my daughters house for dinner with the entire family. I'm so looking forward to a relaxing evening filled with good food and good conversation.

This has been a very rough week in my personal life. Please send a few prayers in my direction.


  1. Three days of rain? Wow. Can't imagine what that must be like!

    And sorry things have been rough for you lately. Thinking positive thoughts for you!

  2. Definitely prayers for you. The rain will pass and the sun will return. Fortunately God's light never leaves us though.

  3. Always sending prayers and positive thoughts for you Cathrina. I hope next week is a much better one. Thinking of you.

  4. Sending you prayers Cathrina. I am so sorry for your stress and I hope life settles down for you.

  5. Hope the sun comes out soon literally and figuratively. We've had lots of rain over here in Rochester as well, but on the bright side, that means I haven't needed to water the plants. But the lawn, on the other hand, is looking pretty shaggy.

  6. Without the rain we wouldn't value the sunshine. Same goes for good and bad times. Best wishes coming your way. :)


  7. Hugs to you. I hope you have a lovely evening tomorrow. :)

  8. So sorry to hear about your rough week. Big hugs.

  9. I'll pray for you. If rain is a metaphor for rough or sad times in life then let me offer this piece of encouragement from my favourite band. The title of one of the songs from the testify album is 'It can't rain forever.' Grace and peace be with you. I hope the family dinner went well.

  10. Sending prayers your way. And if you feel the urge, go ahead and send the rain in my direction--an exchange. Hope you have a better week ahead!

  11. So sorry about the difficulties and the excessive rain. I truly hope things moderate soon--that you'll be in a better space emotionally and that the sun will come to brighten your days.
