
Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Join Alex J. Cavanaugh and a multitude of writer's in this monthly hop to help support one another!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Alex's co-hosts are Tamara Narayan,Tonja Drecker, Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor, Lauren @ Pensuasion, Stephen Tremp, and Julie Flanders!

This has been a fairly good month. I'm over the halfway point on my WIP, a young adult spooker. I have a long, long way to go. Especially when I don't know from day to day what's going to happen next. **Pantser** 

Some Monthly Inspiration:

This month's question is: 
What was your very first piece of writing as an aspiring writer? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been published?

I used to write plays as a kid and act them out. Hahaa...Nothings left of them. I did write a couple of short stories and submitted them to magazines, but they never got published. I think they're in a manilla envelope around here somewhere. *collecting dust* 

Have a fabulous month of August. Next time we meet it'll be closer to Autumn!!!! 


  1. Hi, Cathrina,

    GO, GO, GO MS. Pantser...... I am one, too. Thanks for the encouraging quotes!

    As for my first piece of writing, it was a paper in college. I didn't take my professor seriously when she told me she could have it published. So it is collecting dust now. LOL.

    1. We're both pantsers, and our first papers are collecting dust. We're much alike.

  2. Apparently I believe Santa is a monster who kills children. A nice MG idea I'm sure publishers are just dying to put on the shelves. Please? I'm a pantser as well. I've tried to change, I like pantsing my work. :p
    Those first writings don't really get published but they're the start of the journey. Some people just don't get as far as we have Cat. ;)

  3. Best of luck with your WIP! I used to be a pantser, back when I was a novelist, but now that I create comics, I'm a plotter through-and-through. I admire people who can pants through their stories, since it can be way too easy to get stuck in the plotting stage and not get any work done. (Like me right now, LOL.) Have fun writing!

  4. I wrote skits too as a kid! We even performed one for a few neighbor kids. It was a pretty great time. And where I first learned about stage fright. =)

    1. We performed them for the neighborhood too. Good times.

  5. You're writing a spooker? That word made me chuckle. Keep going!

  6. I'm laughing with Alex. Love the term, spooker.

  7. My sister and I used to make up plays when we were young. I forgot about that until I read your post. :)

    Congrats on making progress on your YA spooker.

  8. Way to go on hitting that half-way mark! I love the term spooker--sounds like just the amount of creepy I can stand to read. I'm sure you were adorable with those plays :)

  9. How fun that you wrote plays! Were you the only actor or did you enlist friends or siblings to help? Cute!

  10. I would have loved to see your plays, Cathrina. That is so cool. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. I love your quotes, and especially the first one. How true that quote is. It is writing from your heart when you discover your own voice.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,

  12. Aw, how cute that you starred in your own plays. Just like Lin Miranda!

    Congrats on making it over the half-way point. Have fun on the rest of the adventure, wherever it takes you.

  13. That's so neat that you wrote plays. Sounds like you're making good progress with your WIP. Good luck with your journey (from one pantser to another). :) Thanks for the inspiring quotes. I particularly like the first one.

  14. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Writing plays is tough, so you are super awesome. It's good you held unto your writing. Congrats on the progress of your new W.I.P.

  15. Go team Pantser! Good luck with your WIP!
