
Friday, June 24, 2016


Celebrate the Small Things
Hop over to Lexa Cain's and join in this fun weekly Celebration. Lexa's wonderful co-hosts are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog 

I haven't put a word to my WIP this week. But I hope to rectify that soon. 

My goal is to try and compose 1k a day, excluding weekends. I've tried this before and it seemed to work. It's not an over-the-top expectation. When I try to do too much, it usually backfires on me.

We're back to brilliant weather and I'm loving every minute!!! This weekend is Community Days in West Seneca. Fireworks and a Beer Tent!

Have a nice weekend!!!


  1. Fireworks and a beer tent? Sounds like a good time!

  2. The weather has been lovely here, too, for the past few days. Good luck with your writing goals, and have fun at the Community Days!

  3. Enjoy the festival and have a great weekend!!

  4. One K a day? That would be amazing. My kids are all over me. How long until September?

  5. Have fun at your special event and have a great weekend. :)

  6. When I try to do too much, it backfires on me, too. Still, I think 1000 words per day would be high for me. Hats off to you!

  7. Your writing goal sounds doable. Good luck with it and have a great time at the festival! :)

  8. I wish I could write 1k a day. Too many distractions! I attended a literary festival recently where one of the speakers, a published crime writer and teacher of creative writing, said that she writes 3k a day and in three months has a full length novel of 90,000 -100,000 words. I'm reading one of her novels at the moment and I have to say that whilst competent it's not great literature. So perhaps quality is better than quantity.

    1. Wow! Amazing, and yet, maybe not the best way to get out a novel.

  9. Fireworks and beer? What could go wrong?

  10. No, I don't think 1,000 words a day is too much. Just 4-5 pages a day, right? If you miss a day or can't do all of them, just start back up again the next day!

  11. Cathrina, I wish you well to pick up your words again! Have a great week!

  12. Good luck in getting those words!!!

  13. I really need to follow your lead and write 1K words a day, too. Life always gets in the way, though. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Congrats on the great weather!
