
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

#IWSG Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join Alex J. Cavanaugh and a multitude of writer's in this monthly hop to help support one another!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

The awesome co-hosts this month are: Lauren Hennessy, Lisa Buie-Collard, Lidy, Christine Rains, and Mary Aalgaard! 

I'm not a great writer, I realize that. I do try my best to entertain readers with my books. I also know I have a love for too many adverbs and adjectives, which I've been weening myself off of.
What has bothered me this month are reviews. Yes. Those dreaded reviews where some, not the majority of readers are too critical and downright nasty.
I've learned to be weary of Goodreads. On Goodreads the trolls prowl around hungry to squash authors. I recently received a preview review (that's where its not rated) where the person went to Amazon and read the beginning pages. This person actually wrote a long review, without reading the book, full of sarcastic remarks about every other paragraph by just reading the pages Amazon offered. I could go on and on about other incorrigible reviews or those people that just fly by to slap my book with 1 star just because...

I have learned to laugh, shake my head, and brush off these reviews. But what hurts are the people. How can people be so mean? Whenever I complain my kids roll their eyes and say, "Mom, everyone has the right to voice their opinions. Let it go."

Now on a brighter note:

Since beginning my WIP quite a while ago, and putting the darn thing on hold time and again, my characters have been giving me grief!!! 
I'm happy to report that they have decided to forgive me. While I'm a true pantser and a slow writer, I'm trying my best to keep up with them. They're urging me on, and I can only hope they know where they're going.

Thank you for dropping by!!


  1. Great news about your characters, I'm only just beginning to learn how to speak to mine :0)

  2. You have to respond to those voices in your head. Write that new story. I wonder about people who write negative crap when they haven't read the book. It was just to be mean. Yes, let it go. Keep creating.
    Mary at Play off the Page

  3. I completely understand about reviews. A middle-aged man picked up my girly YA book and then decided he had to review it after the first couple chapters. 1. Why was a middle aged man picking up a book very clearly marketed to young women? and 2. Why did he feel compelled to leave a review? *shrugs* People are weird.

    (I find there are more trolls on Netgalley than anywhere else.)

  4. That's just awful that someone would write a nasty review without reading your book! Hopefully, you can shake off those nasty reviews and trolls that are only out to hurt folks, but I know it's probably easier said than done. Cheers - Ellen

  5. Someone said once (and I checked it out and he was right) that the best selling authors in the world have an average rating of 3.5. 3.5, not 5, not 4.8. That doesn't make it any better when you get a one star from someone who obviously did not read the book. And you have to consider the forum. By the way, I like adjectives and adverbs! Just not a bucket of them in a paragraph. But you don't do that. Write on!

  6. Just keep writing.
    I've had a couple reviews like that. Doesn't seem fair the person can review based on a couple pages, but what are you going to do? Just laugh and move on.

  7. I avoid reading any reviews now because I learned quickly that I don't have a thick enough skin. And I just get tired of the whole thing anyway. I've never written a bad review for anything. Even though I know and believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, I also believe "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" is a great motto in these situations.
    I'm sorry you've had these reviews but know that you definitely entertain your readers! I've loved all of your books. Great to hear you are back to your characters and they forgave you.

  8. That's the right attitude about those reviews. We just have to carry on and forget them. Your books are fantastic! And I'm happy to hear your characters forgave you too. I'm a pantser as well, and if the characters are mad, then we're in trouble! :)

  9. Amazon and Goodreads' policies on that stuff is so out of whack. Just ignore it.

  10. I quit reading Goodreads a long time ago...too many trolls. I also have learned to take what I can from negative reviews and evaluate them for possible improvement. You can't take it too personally. But I do preen a bit when I read a good review...LOL!

  11. This is not a pursuit for those who can't take sandblasting almost daily, but you've got the right idea. Just stick to it and realize we're pretty much all in the same canoe. Now I'm off to paddle a bit. :-)

  12. I can understand if somebody reads the WHOLE story and posts a 2-star review that's accompanied by constructive criticism.
    But reading a few pages and then being blatantly mean? That's a no-no! I suppose some people get a thrill out of it.
    I like C.Lee's observation above...

  13. "I'm not a great writer." WHAAAAAA? Not true at all. I'm kicking your butt (virtually) for saying that!

    That said, Goodreads reviewers SUCK. Not all of them...but I have friends who refuse to read their reviews on there. It seems to not be QUITE as bad for middle grade/chapter book writers, but once you get into YA and adult books, those people can be brutal. It looks to me like it's a ploy for attention. They put .gifs in there and show off how mean they can be. I feel bad for them that this is the only "fame" they'll ever get...trashing authors on a website.

    1. Hahahaaa...thank you Stephanie!!! I needed that virtual butt kick!!!!!

  14. It's good that your characters are cooperating. I hope they keep being so helpful. I'm sorry about the bad reviews. Maybe those people who are giving you bad reviews are other writers who are not yet published, or who are published and wants to give you bad reviews, because their books aren't doing well and yours are. Jealousy can make people nasty. The more successful you are, the more people want to tear you down for some reason. Please, don't let it bother you much longer. You are a great writer and one with a great personality. Don't let those nasty people into your head. Chin up.

  15. Yay for your characters urging you on! Just keep writing and enjoying doing it. :)

  16. I don't understand, either, how people can be so mean. They must have pretty sad lives if they have to resort to that kind of behavior just to promote themselves. As hard as it is, you have to ignore them. Real readers will see them for what they are.
    Have fun following your characters! I'm a pantser, too. Never a dull moment, as they say!

  17. Sadly you aren't the only writer I know who has gotten these kinds of reviews. So sad that some folks are so miserable in their own lives that they have to pass it on to others, even people they don't know. Like to see them out there trying to sell a book!!! Easier said than done to Let It Go, but we must have thick skins to stay in this line of work! Thanks for dropping by.

  18. P.S. I just ran across this article about the same subject.
    Of course you realize, I now have that song running through my head... Let it go, let it go... :)

  19. Bad reviews are really depressing aren't they? Especially when people haven't even read your book! I can't imagine doing that. Don't let the bullies get you down!

  20. Negative reviews never fail to be so, so painful. (Especially when people decide to email their harsh words directly to me. Ugh.) This is why I try to avoid writing negative reviews myself anymore. My time is better spent sharing with the world the things that make me happy.

    Also, how exciting about your WIP! It's always so great whenever characters do the impossible by *gasp* helping. LOL. Best of luck writing!

  21. I've gotten mean reviews that I've laughed at and ones that I learned from. None really made me sad because I understand people often have different tastes and that's no one's fault. But whenever I found what I thought was a good point, I have tried to change my writing a bit. Trying to improve never stops.

  22. Write on Cat. Reviews are just that and while they are important they are not the denominator on which your life stands. Thank God for that. :)

  23. I don't do much on GR because of the horror stories I've heard about some of the stuff that happens there. It is scary! I'm not sure why people leave reviews after only reading the preview. Okay, find you didn't like what you read, but you didn't spend any more, so why take the time to write a review? Just move on.

  24. Good luck getting those characters antics down on paper! You hit home with the one star review. For my new book I have 19 4&5 stars and someone who did exactly what you said, read the Amazon preview pages left a one star. Ugh. Let it go is right but easier said then done!

    1. Sorry that happened to you too. It does hurt, no matter what anyone says.

  25. Listen to your characters. They know you're a good writer. Just go with the flow.

  26. Gah, that frustrates me so much. I don't understand why people feel the need to be harshly negative to others.. if it's not constructive, there is no need for it. But it's true what they say--you're always going to come across the haters. Just keep your head up and keep doing what you do and what you love... don't let them get you down!

  27. I don't have a book out, but I've seen some scathing (and uncalled for) reviews of friends' books on Goodreads. I think I will just have to stay away when my time comes. Glad things are turning around with your unruly characters! :)

  28. Letting things go works great in theory, as long as you can put your feelings in your back pocket. But those pockets can full fast.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  29. Yeah, I'm currently looking for reviews myself.

    When I do reviews, I try to be honest, but not hurtful. But giving negative critism can easily be seen as being hurtful. So I also try to find the positives within the works and make special note of them. I figure this way, one can see what is wrong and doesn't work, and learn from what they did right.

    1. I never leave a nasty or bad review, ever. If I can't give a nice review, I don't write one...
      Thank you for stopping by, mad cat!!!

  30. Sometimes our characters have a far clearer idea of where they want to go than we do as writers. It's good to listen.

    And re reviews. Those kinds of reviewers forget that writers are real individuals who care about their work. They aren't worth stressing over.

  31. Good attitude to not let those trolls get to you... You've a fantastic writer and just keep going forward:)
