
Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Join Alex J. Cavanaugh and a multitude of writer's in this monthly hop to help support one another!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

The fabulous co-hosts for this month are: Julie Flanders,Murees Dupé, Dolorah at Book Lover, Christine Rains, and Heather Gardner! 

I've done well these past months in feeling upbeat about my writing. Even after re-editing 2 books for a re-release, making them read better and tighter was nice. I think my writings improving, but it's taking me a long time. 

This month my writing world has taken a downward spiral. It's those darn reviews. Some readers are generous and so nice to write awesome reviews, but it's those bad ones that send me into a minor state of depression. 

I read every review, and some I actually learn from. But it's the nasty ones that I don't understand. Because I'd never leave a nasty review for any book. I know how hard and long writer's work. 

Little by little I'm jumping back into my WIP, and second guessing every little word and action. Do you do that?


  1. Oh geez - reviews. I'm still undecided whether to read reviews written for my YA novel after its release next year. I honestly don't know how I'll react, even to the positive ones. But then again, you mentioned that you learn from them. Hmm...I'll have to think about it. I can't imagine not peeking at some, but to read them all. And chin up. You're doing awesome. I think your attitude to jump into your WIP little by little is a great step.

  2. No doubt, we have to have thick skin to put ourselves out there. But remember that you don't enjoy every book you read, while others may rave about it. Hmmm. Might be something to consider?

  3. Constructive reviews can be helpful, even though they still sting. I really don't get the people who just post a nasty review--oftentimes not even saying much about the book but about the author. Those people aren't worth our attention. :)

  4. I read mine to learn from them, too. Luckily, I haven't had any truly nasty ones. Still, it's hard to read the 2-stars.

    Best advice I can give is don't read them at times when you're vulnerable. If you need to keep your confidence for drafting, for example, then put off reading them until you're done.

    IWSG #119 until Alex culls the list again

  5. I read every review too, even though some people tell you not to. And yup, the nasty ones make me second guess myself as well. You'll get back into the groove. Your books are awesome!

  6. I second guess myself because of the voice in my head, telling me I'll never be good enough. Reviews can be helpful and welcome, but it's me who offers me the most doubt. But we keep on keeping on. :)

  7. I guess this is why so many authors have a strict no reading reviews policy. I'm a big user of Goodreads, so it's going to be hard if not impossible for me to not want to check reviews for my own book when it comes out. I know I'm going to even if it's a terrible idea. I don't blame you for the curiosity. If it's debilitating though, it may be a good idea to limit what you read, or have another writer friend to sift through them for you and then point out the positive or constructive ones.

  8. Here's a review so you can feel better: "Brahms evidently lacks the breadth and power of invention eminently necessary for the production of truly great symphonic works." 1887, Musical Courier. We just can't please everyone and we shouldn't try to. Happy ISWG day.

  9. Haters gunna hate. They're bitter, miserable people, but they haunt every corner of the literary world. A ring of them picked up my book for a book club, and then they all proceeded to hate it, even the ones who didn't actually read it. We just have to let it go. Our specific audience is out there, and publishing is partially a process of weeding out the others.

    1. Thank you, Crystal. Wow a whole book club? That's harsh, and I loved your book!!!

  10. I never understood the haters. I guess their lives are miserable and they want to spread that around. Just ignore them.

  11. I'm sorry you've had some nasty reviews. Even if I don't like a story I have never left a bad review because I've always believed "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything."
    I don't read any reviews now because of having these same struggles with the bad ones. I just decided not to look at any. It's better for keeping my anxiety in check and I always need that LOL.

  12. I see no value in a nasty review, unless it truly helps (as in your re-edits). I say focus on the positive and take Julie's and Alex's advice above.

  13. I will be dealing with this situation soon. But my editor was kind enough to warn me that there are certain writers who are going around giving other writers bad reviews, just to eliminate competition. If the criticism isn't constructive, don't pay attention. Like you said, focus on the positive. I know its easy for me to say, and in a few months I will probably feel depressed about reviews too. But you have worked too hard to allow a few petty people to ruin your day. Keep your head up. You are an amazing person and writer. Don't forget that.

  14. I got a 1-star review and the reviewer hated my book so much she swore it made her hate all women and become a misogynist! And the review was full of gifs to underline her points. It was so over-the-top I laughed. You'll never please everyone, and some people are just so unhappy that they need to spread it around to as many others as possible. Just keep on writing and don't worry about those who have different tastes than yours. That's their problem.

    1. WOW!! Lexa that's so hurtful for someone to do. I'm sorry. You're right, you can't please everyone, but I wish they'd kept their nasty comments to themselves.

  15. Life in general would be easier if people didn't feel the need to be so nasty. Good luck getting back the oomph to finish your WIP.

  16. Whenever I start second guessing I take a break and write something new. I think that's why I like writing short stories. They are a great distraction when a break is needed.
    And don't take those reviews too personally, especially the nasty ones. It just means they aren't your audience. Shake 'em off and focus instead on the people who are your audience.

  17. Yeah, I don't know why people write mean reviews, either. And I'm not sure how I will go about reviews if I'm published in the future. In some ways, I can see how some feedback would be good, but bad reviews just tear you down and make you doubt yourself. So, I might not read them after all.

  18. I don't know what there is about some people that makes them be so nasty. It's okay to not like something, but to tear it down and stomp it into the ground is just cruel. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about people like that but ignore them. I know — much easier said than done. Hang in there, and remember to always believe in yourself, no matter what anyone else says.
