
Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Join Alex J. Cavanaugh and a multitude of writer's in this monthly hop to help support one another!
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

The awesome co-hosts for the the August 5 posting of the IWSG will be Nancy Gideon, Bob R Milne, Doreen McGettigan, Chrys Fey, Bish Denham, and Pat Garcia! 

This month is a dose of 

Perseverance and Encouragement!

In a million years, I never thought I'd be an author!

 I was ready to throw in the towel and give up...

 Take one step at a time, even though they seem impossibly huge...

Not only in writing, but perseverance in our day to day lives...

Hope you're all feeling encouraged!


  1. I don’t know how should I give you thanks! I am totally stunned by your article. You saved my time. Thanks a million for sharing this article.

  2. encouragement received! thanks!
    and thanks for your sweet comment at julie's about my new cover =)

  3. Wonderfully inspiring post today, Cathrina! Thanks for the motivational words and for starting my morning off on the right foot!

  4. I love the quote from Louise Brown. It's hard to be true to yourself when so many are just going after the money - and some even succeeding. But being happy is what it's all about, and that's not necessarily dependent on money.

  5. Excellent encouragement. Louise Brown's quote makes for some brilliant advice. :-)

  6. Great job! I think we all need encouragement from time to time. I had a client insult my writing talent last week..since then, I've had two separate clients compliment it, so I don't know why the insult sticks harder. We need to learn to shut out those negative voices and focus on the good!

    1. Why do the insults & bad reviews hurt more than the hundred of good reviews and compliments?

  7. We won't make it if we give up! Great message today.

  8. Woo-hoo! You're so right. Perseverance is key. Never give up! :)

  9. Yes! Perseverance!
    Thanks for the encouragement. :)

    IWSG #119 until Alex culls the list again.

  10. Thanks for the encouragement. And I'm so glad you didn't give up!

  11. I'm feeling very encouraged. Thank you!

  12. Write about what you believe in is a big one. You're going to get really familiar with that novel through edits, so you better like it! :)

    Here is my August IWSG post. It's the second post on my blog today because my Pitch Wars mentor bio needs to stay at the top. Thanks!

  13. I especially like that last quote. I'm going to copy it down somewhere to have it handy. These are words I truly believe in.

  14. Great quotes! I loved the last one especially.

  15. Hi, Cathrina,

    Thanks for the punch in the arm we all need to keep on going!

  16. "Don't give up" is always my advice to aspiring authors. :D

  17. Never give up! Never surrender! Your post made me shout, "RAWR!!" Thanks for the encouragement. :)

  18. Hi, Cathrina,

    I just found your message. I am having major issues with my email from that horrific HACKER....

    How kind of you to want to help, but it was a SCAM... don't send anything....

    Hope all is well and have a great weekend....

  19. Thanks for the encouragement. ��
