
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

#IWSG Insecure Writer's Support Group

Join Alex J. Cavanaugh and a multitude of writer's in this monthly hop to help support one another!

The awesome co-hosts for the the July 1 posting of the IWSG will be Charity Bradford, S.A. Larsen, AJ, Tamara Narayan, Allison Gammons, and Tanya Miranda! 

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

I'd been in the editing stages for so long that when I returned to my WIP, I scratched my head. 

My muse has dried up like a rotting peach. I'm now in the process of rereading this project in hopes of creating a spark of integrity.

Hopping around the blogsphere I read a new author's excerpt for her debut novel and loved it, and wished I could write like that. Those unwanted neurotic doubts of my writing ability continue to creep in and bother me like a tiny sliver wedged under the skin. 

While you're reading this post, I should be driving home from Boston, a much needed break. I hope I found my muse while I was away.


  1. Here's to you finding that verve, again!!! I'm sure you will. Editing and writing are two different entities all together. Took me a while to figure that out. It's like we have to switch our brains between the two. For me to simply write, I need to clear my brain of all the perfectionism I put on it that limits my creativity.

  2. Rotting peach - yuck.
    i hope rereading it gets you back in the groove.
    Safe travels!

  3. Ah, writing envy... I totally understand, but while we're busy lauding other people's work, we totally overlook what we're doing right.

  4. I hope you come back from your trip refreshed and ready to banish those insecurities. I bet that writer you read wishes she could write like you.

  5. You'll get back in the groove, Cathrina! Take a little break and I'll bet you'll get the perfect ideas.

  6. You're muse will come back. Don't worry. :)

    IWSG #123 until Alex culls the list again.

  7. Here's hoping the muse returns. And the thought of a rotting peach should sound gross, but instead it's making me think of freeze-dried fruit.

  8. Hope you find a way to coax out the muse once again! It's so frustrating when they go into hibernation.

  9. Sorry your muse decided to have a tantrum. I'm sure by the time you get home from Boston, the muse will be there waiting for you! Happy Fourth of July. Hugs to you and the family. Hugs. Eva

  10. I hope you get that spark back... or maybe find some way to rehydrate the peach. Mmmm. Peaches...

  11. I hope rereading your project helped you get back into the writing groove. That usually works for me. Hope you had a lovely trip!

  12. Hope your muse returns soon... she/he's probably just taking time out to do whatever it is that muses do when they go missing... maybe attending a Muse Convention?
