
Friday, July 3, 2015


Hop over to Lexa Cain to join in this fun weekly Celebration. Lexa's wonderful co-hosts of Celebrate the Small Things are:
L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog

I had a fabulous time in Boston, Massachusetts!! I love history and Boston has lots of it. We walked from South Boston to North Boston and all around Boston. I wish we had time to go whale watching, maybe next time.

July 4th is Independence Day for Americans. Everyone have a great weekend!


  1. I love the beginning of July...we had Canada Day on Wednesday, and Independence Day is so soon after! Lots of fireworks and bbqs, =) Enjoy your 4th of July, glad you had a great trip.

  2. Yes, Boston is such a fun city. I'm out in western Mass and enjoy the entire state. Happy 4th to you, too!

  3. happy fourth!! :) I was in Boston when I was so little, so I don't really remember it. All I remember is my parents freaking out with excitement when they saw the exterior of the bar they used to show in "Cheers" lol i'm sure there's way more to the city than that! :)

  4. Happy 4th weekend! One of my nephews lives in Boston. It's so layered in history. A truly fascinating city.

  5. Envious of your trip to Boston and so happy for you to have gone!!! Happy 4th!!

  6. Glad you had such a fun time in Boston! Happy July 4th weekend!

  7. I used to live in Boston and loved all the history. And the sports mania.

  8. Yay for a great time spent in Boston! I love your 4th of July pic. Have a lovely weekend! :)

  9. Glad to hear you had a great trip. Hope your weekend is going well.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful thing to do! I've only flown through Boston (which doesn't count), but I would LOVE to visit.

  11. You were in the right town for this holiday season.

  12. Boston sounds awesome! I'd love to visit it myself sometime!
