
Friday, June 5, 2015


Hop over to Lexa Cain to join in this fun weekly Celebration. Lexa's co-hosts areL.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Katie @ TheCyborgMom

Hello June!! Time is flying and the weather in Buffalo is fickle. I hope summer will last the season and not surprise us with any more frosty mornings.

I've been busy getting my short stories edited for three Anthologies coming out soon.   On June 13th, LOVE SUCKS ANTHOLOGY will be released from Crushing Hearts & Black Butterfly.
What do you think of my poster?

My old dog had a rough week, but today he seems somewhat spry. It's so sad to see them in pain, but now with the new meds I hope he can have some quality of life. He LOVES swimming in the pool, and the old man hasn't made it in yet this year. He'll be 14 years old in July.

I plan on working in my gardens and hopefully enjoying a nice weekend. And taking walks with the dogs and my husband...

What are you celebrating? I love reading your comments.


  1. Three anthologies?! Wow, how exciting!

    So sorry things have been rough for your dog, though. Glad he's starting to do a little better!

  2. The Love Sucks anthology? I love the name of that! It's tough to see our dogs go through that, but you're doing the most important him a wonderful life every single day!

  3. Wow, three anthologies! That's impressive. Hoping your dog continues to get better.

  4. You are so prolific. I'm gonna be like you when I grow up. I love the poster.

  5. Wow, three upcoming anthologies? That's fantastic...congrats!

    I hope your dog feels better with medication. It's definitely hard to see our pets in pain, so hopefully he gets in some good swimming this summer =)

  6. That's awesome about the anthology!
    Sorry your dog is struggling. They just don't live long enough.

  7. Lots of great things to celebrate this time, Cathrina! Glad your dog is feeling better. When our pets are under the weather it spoils everything, doesn't it? Have a great weekend.

  8. aaww praying your dog feels well and bounces back from the meds...absolutely nothing worse than when they get up there in age...I just went through this last August with my first fur baby, my cat Pudding. We grew up together, and she was just shy of 21 when she passed. it sounds like you're giving him an amazing life :) I hope he can get in that pool soon. good luck with the stories, and the weather sucks here on LI too!

  9. Congrats on the stories in "Love Sucks" and the other anthologies! Woohoo! I don't know how you find time to do everything. I hope your dog improves soon. Have a lovely weekend. :)

  10. Congrats on your stories and I love that poster! Happy that your dog is doing better and hopefully he'll get a chance to enjoy the water soon. I'm celebrating making it through week two of summer break. :) Have a lovely weekend!

  11. Hope your dog is doing better! And good luck with your short stories!

  12. The poster is awesome - congrats on your upcoming anthologies! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  13. Poor sweet dog! It is hard to watch them get old, isn't it? Hang in there, you seem to be taken really good care of him. What a beautiful blog you have - blessings!

  14. That's wonderful about the anthology pieces. I hope your dog is feeling better. I have pets reaching the decade mark and I hope their later years treat them well.

  15. Congrats on your short story releases! That's exciting. I hope your dog continues to do better on the new meds. Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Good luck with your upcoming releases--you're going to be busy! Enjoy your weekend walks :)

  17. Huge congrats on the three anthologies.. that's fantastic:) Love the banner.

  18. Congrats on the anthologies! I can't wait to read them! and what an amazing banner! WOW!

  19. Good luck with the anthologies. Our dog is 13 and he's slowing down quite a bit. It's breaking my heart. I hope your little guy feels better with the new meds.

  20. Wow! Your precious pooch is definitely well cared for. 14 years old is wonderful! Love the idea of the anthology you're involved in. Good luck with it!

  21. You're rocking the writing, Cathrina! I'm glad the doggy is feeling better. And your gardening time sounds great!

  22. Hugs to you and your dog. You're busy with the writing. Go! Yeah, Buffalo could be fickle. It's been oddly hot here. Usually summer doesn't show up around here until mid July.

  23. Three anthologies - wow! Good for you, and a big congratulations :) I'm celebrating the gorgeous weather today!
