
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

#IWSG #HappyNewYear

Join Alex J. Cavanaugh and a multitude of writer's in this monthly hop to help support one another!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

**The Beginning of a New Year**

Whether you're contemplating a new story or are in the midst of editing your first, fourth, or final draft ~ this is a new year when we can all start anew. 
Speaking of writing~I've had many disappointments. I've failed in certain aspects, but as a writer we learn to pick up the pieces, snap them all together, and begin again. Failures, learning, and motivation are part of the writing process. We grow each day and strive for that ultimate success. 
Take each day in stride ~ good, bad, or indifferent. 

**Happy New Year My Blogger Friends**


  1. Yes, we've all had failures. The important thing is to get motivated, learn from our mistakes, and start a new blank page like you are doing. Happy New Year! Hope it's great.

  2. Hi, Catherina! Love the images you've included. Not sure if you're a Star Wars fan but one of my favorite lines from The Last Jedi was Yoda telling Luke Skywalker that failure is the best teacher. I couldn't agree more! Thanks so much for spreading the word about my new release and may your new year start off with flashes of light!

  3. Fortunately, we can always keep moving forward.

  4. Good advice to take each day in our stride. Like Alex said, we can always move forward.

    All the best for the New Year.

  5. I'll be working on that 365 pages. That's a promise!

    Happy 2018!

  6. So true, so true: Failures, learning, and motivation are part of the writing process. We grow each day and strive for that ultimate success.
    Take each day in stride ~ good, bad, or indifferent

    Your words sum it up beautifully. We just need to keep going, no matter what, and find the joy in what we're doing each day. Like today, it's about reading inspiring IWSG posts!

  7. Excellent example of what a writer is made of. If we weren't stubborn, and resilient, we'd have given up long ago. Have a great January.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  8. i immediately related to that pinwheel of sparklers. I want to be exactly like that in 2018. Here's to a bright and exciting new year.

  9. Happy New Year to you, Cathy!! Here's to a great one, my friend. *hugs*

  10. Failure just means we're one step away from success. Happy New Year!

  11. Failures happen. They're some of the surest and most perfect paths to success in the long haul though, so savor them. Best to you.

  12. We'll just keep on writing, cuz that's what we do. Happy Writing 2018, Cathrina!

  13. "Take each day in stride" I love it.
    Wishes you a wonderful new year with lots of success.

  14. Hopefully 2018 will be a banner year.

  15. What an uplifting post, Cathrina! I have high hopes that 2018 will be better year for many people. Wishing you all the best and hoping you write a great 365 days!

  16. Happy New Year
    Nice And Very useful info.Amazing write-up....Thanks!

  17. Beginning again is key to keeping going. Otherwise, I'd always be ending. Hope your new year delivers great promise!

  18. A great and encouraging post to start off the year! Here's to a great one. :)

  19. We all fail and get back up again. It's the getting up that counts. Let's start that fresh page. :) Happy New Year!

  20. Failures just com with the territory. I learn from them and move on, knowing they make me a better person. Have a great 2018.

  21. So true about failure. Even though it's an inevitable aspect of writing, I still wish it wasn't so frequent sometimes, LOL. Happy New Year!
